The Shop is Open!

Dear, dear friends,

The day is here.

Our online shop is finally open!! This day has been a long time coming and we have you to thank for it. This is such an exciting time for us here at Freely Collective as we navigate the ropes of starting up a business and plunging into the unknown. It’s been an amazing ride so far, with many ups and downs, a lot of guesswork, hours of meetings and brainstorming, and numerous late nights. And because of it all, one of our first big dreams became a reality this past weekend. 

We hosted the first Freely Collective Open House event in our home where we showcased and sold much of the work we’ve been creating over the past year. It was a huge success and encouragement to the four of us who have had this vision for almost two years. The desire of our hearts is to see people freed from slavery; and to watch the fruit of our work contribute to that end was a feeling that we will never forget.

Over the weekend we were able to sell everything from custom reclaimed wood headboards, farm tables, side tables, benches, and chairs, to stationery, notebooks, monogrammed canvases, one of a kind paintings, gorgeous collages, beautifully handmade frames, handmade prints, unique coasters, calendars, and so much more!

Thank you to everyone who has supported us along the way and who came out this weekend to see what we are all about. Because of your generosity and enthusiasm for our cause, we are honored to be making a considerable donation to the Red Window Project in the Philippines this December.

What drew our heart to Red Window was it’s desire to truly recognize each girl that they rescue. They work with the women to know them individually; to understand their interests, their dreams, and their desires. And from that, they gather the resources needed to help direct the girls to lead lives that bring those dreams and desires to life, whether it is through scholarships for education, learning trades, or something else. It is their deepest desire that these women not only get their lives back, but also their identities. And this is our desire as well. We can’t wait to be a part of what Red Window is doing and we have you to thank for making it possible.

Thank you again to everyone who made this weekend as awesome as it was. We love you so much!  

God bless,

The Freely Team

photography by  Peter von Kahle, Northern Virginia Video Producer